In line with its mandate to inform the industry and consumers about its regulatory activities, the Zambia Compulsory Standards ensures this is done by educating businesses on requirements of various compulsory standards and the process of getting regulated products approved to be sold in the Zambian Market.
The ZCSA protects the consumer by enforcing compulsory standards that set minimum standards for vehicles, tyres and vehicle components, electrical products and components, building and construction, cleaning and sanitation chemicals and – Personal protective equipment.
Sampling, inspecting and testing products, auditing of manufacturing and other processes, and examination of documentary evidence are used to assess compliance with compulsory standards and regulations.
Every effort is made to assist manufacturers, importers, businesses and commerce in general, to meet these standards, which are, wherever possible, aligned to corresponding international requirements. This assists local industry to become globally competitive and facilitates international trade by removing unnecessary barriers.
The Agency has the mandate to apply penalties where products do not meet these minimum standards. These range from stopping the sale of non-conforming products, to seizure, destruction and prosecution of offenders.
To ensure the safety of products on the Zambian market, ZCSA has a mandate to investigate complaints concerning regulated products brought to its attention by consumers or industry players. The ZCSA also ensures that information regarding any regulated product is provided to the public and stakeholders.
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